The "failed to create jvm" error code typically happens when the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) cannot be created. This can be due to a number of reasons, such as incorrect JVM settings, incompatible JVM versions, or corrupt JVM files. In some cases, it may also be due to a hardware or software issue.
1. Check if the required dependencies for the JVM are installed
To check if the required dependencies for the JVM are installed, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the Java SE Downloads page and download the Java SE Development Kit (JDK).
- Unzip the JDK file to a location on your computer.
- Open a command prompt window and navigate to the unzipped JDK directory.
- Type the following command and press Enter: java -version If the required dependencies for the JVM are not installed, the Java -version command will return an error message.
- If the required dependencies for the JVM are not installed, you will need to install them. To install the required dependencies, follow these steps: a. Open a command prompt window and navigate to the JDK directory. b. Type the following command and press Enter: sudo apt-get install build-essential libc6-dev libx11-dev libxext-dev libxpm-dev libxxf86vm-dev c. Type the following command and press Enter: sudo apt-get install jdk-8u172-linux-x64 d. Type the following command and press Enter: sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre
2. Check if the JVM is configured correctly
-In order to check if the JVM is configured correctly, open a command prompt and change to the directory where the Java executable is located. -Type the following command and press Enter: java -version -If the JVM is not configured correctly, the Java version displayed will be different from the version that is installed on the computer. -To fix the JVM, type the following command and press Enter: java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar myjar.jar
3. Try reinstalling the JVM
- Open a command prompt and type "javac -version" to get the version of the Java VM.
- If the Java VM is up to date, use the "javac" command to reinstall it.
- If the Java VM is not up to date, use the "javac -version 2" command to update it.
- Use the "javac -help" command to get a list of available options.
- Use the "javac -jar" command to create a new Java VM program file.
- Use the "java" command to run the new Java VM program file.
If the answers above didn't work then you should also try:
- Try using a different JVM.