The {"message":"invalid authentication response","type":"error","status":500,"code":0} error code happens when the authentication response from the server is invalid. This can happen for a number of reasons, including an incorrect username or password, an invalid or expired token, or a problem with the server.
1. Check the authentication response for errors
- Verify that the authentication request is valid.
- Verify that the authentication response is correct.
- If the authentication response is incorrect, fix the error.
2. Try using a different authentication method
- Check the authentication response for validity.
- If the authentication response is invalid, try using a different authentication method.
- If using a different authentication method fails, contact your administrator.
3. Check the authentication server's logs for more information
- Log into the authentication server using the root account.
- Navigate to the /var/log/auth directory.
- Review the logs for errors.
- Try to authenticate again using the correct credentials.
- If the problem persists, contact the authentication server administrator.
4. Contact the authentication server's administrator for help
- Refer to the authentication server's documentation to find out how to contact the administrator.
- If the authentication server's documentation is not available or if the administrator is not available, contact the authentication server's administrator's support team.
- If the administrator is not available or if the support team is not available, contact the manufacturer of the authentication server.
- If the manufacturer is not available, contact the authentication server's purchaser.