
How do I fix {"message":"invalid authentication response","type":"error","status":500,"code":0}?

Alton Alexander
By Alton AlexanderUpdated on June 4th, 2022

The {"message":"invalid authentication response","type":"error","status":500,"code":0} error code happens when the authentication response from the server is invalid. This can happen for a number of reasons, including an incorrect username or password, an invalid or expired token, or a problem with the server.

1. Check the authentication response for errors

  1. Verify that the authentication request is valid.
  2. Verify that the authentication response is correct.
  3. If the authentication response is incorrect, fix the error.

2. Try using a different authentication method

  1. Check the authentication response for validity.
  2. If the authentication response is invalid, try using a different authentication method.
  3. If using a different authentication method fails, contact your administrator.

3. Check the authentication server's logs for more information

  1. Log into the authentication server using the root account.
  2. Navigate to the /var/log/auth directory.
  3. Review the logs for errors.
  4. Try to authenticate again using the correct credentials.
  5. If the problem persists, contact the authentication server administrator.

4. Contact the authentication server's administrator for help

  1. Refer to the authentication server's documentation to find out how to contact the administrator.
  2. If the authentication server's documentation is not available or if the administrator is not available, contact the authentication server's administrator's support team.
  3. If the administrator is not available or if the support team is not available, contact the manufacturer of the authentication server.
  4. If the manufacturer is not available, contact the authentication server's purchaser.