
How do I fix the ROBLOX error code 913?

Alton Alexander
By Alton AlexanderUpdated on June 4th, 2022

The Roblox error code 913 is a general error code that indicates an issue with the game server. This error code can occur for a variety of reasons, such as the game server being down for maintenance, or the game server being overloaded with traffic.

You are here because you have a question about:

  • error code 913 roblox
  • roblox error code 913
  • roblox error code 913 xbox

1. Try closing and reopening the game

  1. Open the Roblox app on your device.
  2. Tap the three lines in the top left corner of the screen.
  3. Select "Settings."
  4. Tap "General."
  5. Tap "Reset Roblox."
  6. Tap "Yes."
  7. Tap "Ok."
  8. In the "Reset Roblox" screen, select "All Profiles."
  9. Tap "OK."
  10. Tap "Close Roblox."
  11. Tap "Yes."
  12. Tap "OK."
  13. In the "Settings" screen, tap "Roblox."
  14. Tap "Log In."
  15. Enter your Roblox username and password.
  16. Tap "Yes."
  17. Tap "Done."
  18. If you are prompted to re-download the game, tap "Yes."
  19. If you are prompted to re-add your account, tap "No."
  20. If you are not prompted to do either of these things, the reset process was successful. Now try opening the game again. If the errors continue to occur, please contact Roblox Support.

2. Check if your device is connected to the internet

  1. Make sure that your device is properly connected to the internet.
  2. Check if your device is using the latest software.
  3. Try resetting your device.
  4. Try troubleshooting your network connection.

3. Restart your device

  1. First, make sure that your device is properly plugged in and has enough power.
  2. Next, open the "Settings" app on your device and navigate to "System."
  3. Under "System," you will see a "Restart" option. Tap on this option to restart your device.
  4. After your device has restarted, open the "R Roblox" app and sign in.
  5. Next, click on the "Help" button in the app and search for "Restart."
  6. Finally, follow the instructions that are provided to you to restart your device properly.

4. Update your device's operating system

  1. From your computer, open the Google Play Store.
  2. Search for "android update" and install the latest update.
  3. Open the Google Play Store again and search for "roblox"
  4. Tap the "Install" button on the app page.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions to update your game.

5. Uninstall and reinstall the game

  1. Open your browsers and go to roblox.com.
  2. Click on the three lines in the top-left corner of the screen.
  3. Click on the “Settings” option.
  4. Click on the “Games” option.
  5. Click on the “Uninstall” option next to the game you want to uninstall.
  6. Click on the “Confirm” button.
  7. Wait for the game to be uninstalled.
  8. Click on the “Reinstall” button next to the game you want to reinstall.
  9. Click on the “Confirm” button.
  10. Wait for the game to be reinstalled.