
How to fix the Steam Error Code: -101

Alton Alexander
By Alton AlexanderUpdated on June 4th, 2022

The steam error code -101 is a general error code that indicates a problem with the Steam application. This error code can be caused by a variety of issues, including corrupt files, incorrect permissions, or a problem with the Steam application itself. In most cases, the -101 error can be fixed by restarting the Steam application or restarting your computer. If the -101 error persists, it is recommended to contact Steam support for further assistance.

1. Restart your computer and Steam

  1. Close any open applications on your computer.
  2. Click the "Start" button and then click "Computer."
  3. In the "Computer" window, click "Manage" and then click "Restart."
  4. In the "Restart Options" window, click "Shut down."
  5. Click "OK" to confirm the shutdown.
  6. After your computer shuts down, wait a few minutes and then restart it.
  7. In the "Computer" window, click "Start" and then click "Steam."
  8. In the "Steam" window, click "Settings" and then click "Restart."
  9. In the "Restart Options" window, click "Yes."
  10. After your computer restarts, Steam should open and the error code should be fixed.

2. Verify your game files

  1. Navigate to your Steamapps folder.
  2. Locate the game's install directory.
  3. Right-click on the game's install directory and select "Verify integrity of game files."
  4. If the game's integrity is verified, Steam will display a message indicating as such. If the integrity is not verified, Steam will display a message indicating as such.

3. Update your video card drivers

  1. Open Device Manager by right clicking on My Computer and selecting "Device Manager."
  2. In Device Manager, locate your video card and double click on it.
  3. On the Display tab, under the Details section, click on the Driver tab.
  4. Select the Update Driver button.
  5. Browse to the location of the driver file and select it.
  6. Click the Next button.
  7. Click the Yes button to install the driver.
  8. When the driver installation is complete, click the Finish button.
  9. Restart your computer.

4. Delete your Steam clientregistry.blob file

  1. Navigate to your Steam installation folder. By default, this is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steamapps\common\Steam\
  2. Delete the registry.blob file.
  3. Restart your computer.
  4. Re-download and install the Steam client.

Some users might also have success with:

  1. Reinstall Steam