
How to fix the error code 0x80070057?

Alton Alexander
By Alton AlexanderUpdated on June 4th, 2022

0x80070057 is an error code that can occur when trying to install or update Windows. There are a few different reasons why this error might occur, but the most common reason is that there is not enough free space on the hard drive for the installation or update to take place. Another possible cause is that the file system on the hard drive is corrupt and needs to be repaired.

If you see this error code, it is recommended that you try to free up some space on your hard drive and then try the installation or update again. If that does not work, you can try using a utility to repair the file system on your hard drive.

Other common searches for this error include:

  • error code: 0x80070057
  • error code 0x80070057
  • windows update error code 80070057
  • windows error code 0x80070057
  • 0x80070057

1. Restart your computer and try again

-Press the "Command" key and type "restart" -Press Enter -Follow the on-screen instructions

2. Check for updates and install any that are available

  1. Open Windows Update on your computer.
  2. In the left pane, under "Updates," click "Check for updates."
  3. In the right pane, under "Available updates," click "Install updates."
  4. Windows may prompt you to restart your computer. Click "Yes."
  5. After your computer restarts, check for updates again. If any new updates are available, they will be listed in the "Available updates" section. Click "Install updates."
  6. Windows will install the updates and ask you to restart your computer. Click "Yes."
  7. After your computer restarts, check for updates again. If any new updates are available, they will be listed in the "Available updates" section. Click "Install updates."

3. Run the Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant

  1. Open the Settings app on your computer.
  2. Under Update & Security, click Windows Update.
  3. Click Check for updates.
  4. If there are new updates available, click See all updates.
  5. Click the Update button.
  6. Click Install updates.
  7. When the updates are installed, click Restart now.
  8. After your computer restarts, open the Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant.
  9. On the first page, click Upgrade to Windows 10.
  10. On the next page, click Next.
  11. On the next page, click I accept the terms in the license agreement.
  12. On the next page, click Next.
  13. On the next page, click Next.
  14. On the next page, click Install.
  15. After the upgrade is complete, click Finish.

4. Reset your PC

First, try to power off your device and then on again. If the issue persists, try to restore your device to its factory settings. If that doesn’t work, try to reset your device by following these steps:

  1. Turn off your device.
  2. Hold down the power button for about 10 seconds until the device powers off.
  3. Hold down the power button for about 20 seconds until the device powers on.
  4. Select Settings from the main menu.
  5. Select Backup and reset.
  6. Select Reset device.
  7. Follow the on-screen instructions.
  8. Once your device is reset, try to resolve the issue.

5. Run the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool

  1. Open the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool by going to Start > Settings > Update & security > Windows 10 Media Creation Tool.
  2. Click on the "Launch Media Creation Tool" button.
  3. On the "Select a device to create installation media for" window, select the device from the list that you want to install Windows 10 on.
  4. On the "Select a language" window, select the language that you want to install Windows 10 on.
  5. On the "Select a edition of Windows 10" window, select the edition of Windows 10 that you want to install.
  6. On the "Select your installation media" window, select the type of installation media that you want to create.
  7. On the "Select your Windows 10 edition" window, select the edition of Windows 10 that you want to install.
  8. On the "Select your language" window, select the language that you want to install.
  9. On the "Select your country" window, select the country that you want to install Windows 10 in.
  10. On the "Select your keyboard layout" window, select the keyboard layout that you want to use.
  11. On the "Windows 10 will now start preparing your device" window, wait until Windows 10 finishes preparing your device.
  12. On the "Ready to install Windows 10" window, click on the "Install now" button.
  13. After Windows 10 finishes installing, you will be prompted to restart your device. Click on the "Restart now" button to restart your device.

6. Perform a clean install of Windows 10

  1. Start by downloading the Windows 10 ISO file from Microsoft’s website.
  2. Once you have downloaded the Windows 10 ISO file, burn it to a disc and boot from it.
  3. During the installation process, you will be asked to choose your language, edition, and bit type.
  4. Once the installation is complete, you will be prompted to enter your product key.
  5. After you have entered your product key, you will be asked to choose your installation location.
  6. Next, you will be prompted to choose your Windows 10 edition.
  7. Finally, you will be prompted to choose your keyboard layout.
  8. After you have completed the installation process, you will be prompted to sign in with your Microsoft account.
  9. Once you have signed in, you will be prompted to choose your Windows 10 user name and password.
  10. Next, you will be prompted to choose your administrator password.
  11. After you have completed the installation process, you will be prompted to restart your computer.
  12. Once your computer has restarted, you will be prompted to sign in with your Windows 10 user name and password.
  13. Next, you will be prompted to choose your language and regional settings.
  14. Finally, you will be prompted to choose your desktop background.