
How to fix error code 206?

Alton Alexander
By Alton AlexanderUpdated on June 4th, 2022

The HTTP status code 206 is returned when the server has fulfilled a GET request and the response contains only a part of the content. This is usually due to the server only being able to generate a partial response, or because the client has requested a subset of the content.

You are here because you have a question about:

  • error code 206
  • 206

1. Replace the 206 with a new number

  1. On the phone, go to Menu > Settings > Call Settings > Add New Number.
  2. Enter the new number in the "New Number" field.
  3. Enter the PIN code in the "New Number" field.
  4. Confirm the new number in the "New Number" field.
  5. On the phone, go to Menu > Settings > Call Settings > Display Name.
  6. Enter the new display name in the "Display Name" field.
  7. Confirm the new display name in the "Display Name" field.
  8. On the phone, go to Menu > Settings > Call Settings > Voicemail.
  9. Change the Voicemail Number to the new number.
  10. Change the Voicemail Retrieve Number to the new number.
  11. Change the Voicemail Settings to indicate that the new number should be used for voicemail.
  12. Save the changes.

2. Change the 206 to a different number

The steps to change the number on your 206 are as follows:

  1. Go to the phone's Settings menu.
  2. Under "Network & SIM", scroll down to "Phone Number".
  3. Tap on the number you would like to change.
  4. Enter in the new number.
  5. Tap on "Save".

3. Remove the 206 from the list

  1. Open the Start Menu and click on Control Panel.
  2. Double-click on Device Manager.
  3. In Device Manager, under Network Adapters, right-click on the 206 and select Remove.
  4. Close Device Manager.