
How to fix the error code VAL 1?

Alton Alexander
By Alton AlexanderUpdated on June 4th, 2022

Error code val 1 is an error that occurs when a value is not valid. This can happen when a value is not within the range of values that are allowed, or when a value is not of the correct type. This error can also occur when a value is not specified correctly in a file or database.

1. Check the spelling of the word "value"

  1. Open the Microsoft Word document.
  2. In the document, select the text that has the error.
  3. On the Tools menu, click Spelling.
  4. In the Spelling window, click Check Spelling.
  5. If the error is a misspelled word, the error code will be listed in the Spelling window.
  6. If the error is not a misspelled word, click OK.
  7. Click Close to close the Spelling window.

2. Ensure that there is a value assigned to the variable "val"

To fix error code val 1, the steps would include checking to see if the value assigned to the variable "val" is numeric, and if not, entering a numeric value into the variable. If the value assigned to the variable is numeric, the error code would be fixed.

3. Check that the variable "val" is of the correct data type

To Check that the variable "val" is of the correct data type in order to fix error code val 1:

  1. Type the following code into your code editor: val = 10
  2. If the variable "val" is of the correct data type, the code will run without error. If the variable "val" is not of the correct data type, the code will run and display an error message.

Some users might also have success with the following opitons:

  1. Try using a different data type for the variable "val"
  2. Check that the variable "val" is within the correct range
  3. Check that the variable "val" is not being used before it is initialized
  4. Try using a different name for the variable "val"