
How to fix Switch Error Code 2002-2060?

Alton Alexander
By Alton AlexanderUpdated on June 3rd, 2022

The 2002-2060 error code is a switch error code that indicates a problem with the switch. This error code can happen for a variety of reasons, but most commonly it is caused by a problem with the switch itself or by a problem with the way the switch is configured. In some cases, this error code can also be caused by a problem with the cable connecting the switch to the rest of the network.

Other common searches for this error include:

  • nintendo switch error code 2002-2060
  • error code 2002-2060
  • switch error code 2002-2060

1. Check the switch ports for any physical damage

In order to check the switch ports for any physical damage and fix switch error code 2002-2060, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Turn on the switch.
  2. Verify that all ports are operational.
  3. If any port is not operational, verify that the cable is properly connected and that the port is not blocked by a physical object.
  4. If the port is operational, check the cable for any damage.
  5. If the cable is damaged, replace the cable.
  6. If the port is not operational, replace the switch.

2. If the switch ports are damaged, replace the switch

If the switch ports are damaged, replace the switch.

3. If the switch ports are not damaged, check the cabling between the switch and the devices

If the switch ports are not damaged, the first step is to check the cabling between the switch and the devices. If the cabling is not damaged, then the next step is to check the switch configuration. If the switch configuration is not damaged, then the next step is to check the device configuration. If the device configuration is not damaged, then the next step is to check the network cables.

Some users might also have success with the following opitons:

  1. If the cabling is damaged, replace the cabling.
  2. If the cabling is not damaged, check the configuration of the switch.
  3. If the switch is not configured correctly, reconfigure the switch.
  4. If the switch is configured correctly, check the firmware of the switch.
  5. If the switch firmware is out of date, update the firmware.
  6. If the switch firmware is up to date, check the devices that are connected to the switch.
  7. If the devices are not compatible with the switch, replace the devices.