What is 'Error code 0x8024402f' in Windows Update?
Windows Update error code 0x8024402f is an error that usually occurs during an installation or updates of Windows due to firewall settings or internet connection.
How can you fix 'Error code 0x8024402f' in Windows Update?
Some of the solutions to this error include:
- Turning off the firewall and disabling third-party software
- Using Windows Update Troubleshooter
- Deleting SoftwareDistribution and running DISM command and sfc/ scannow command
Please see our in-depth walk-through solutions below.
1. Turn off firewall and disable third party software
Windows Update error code 0x8024402f may be blocked by any of the following firewall, anti-virus, and proxy server. You may want to disable it temporarily, to successfully update your Windows.

To reset Proxy and turn off Firewall
- Click Windows Start, and type in CMD.
- Right-click Command prompt and run as administrator.
- Type in the Command prompt netsh winhttp reset proxyand press Enter.
- Turn off Firewall by going to Control Panel ==> System and Security ==> Windows Firewall ==> Turn Windows Firewall on or off.
- Select turn off the Windows Firewall.
- Restart and try Windows update.
Running a clean boot to disable the third-party firewall, antivirus, and software
NOTE: If you succeeded updating just by disabling the third-party firewall or antivirus, please add the sites below as trusted site in your third-party firewall and antivirus so you would not need to disable it again every time you update Windows.
- http://*.update.microsoft.com
- https://*update.microsoft.com
- http://download.windowsupdate.com
2. Use Windows Update Troubleshooter
Windows Update error code 0x8024402f may also be due to a bad internet connection between your computer and the server of Window Update service. Make sure to double-check your internet connection. If it is good, use Windows Update Troubleshooter to Troubleshoot the error 0x8024402f. See the video below.
3. Delete SoftwareDistribution and run DISM command with sfc /scannow command
If Windows Update error code 0x8024402f persists, delete the SoftwareDistribution folder. The SoftwareDistribution folder is where the Windows Update files are stored. It is likely that one or more update file that was download has been corrupted. Deleting the SoftwareDistribution folder will set Windows to download the update files again. While Windows is downloading the update avoid restarting or shutting down the PC.
Delete SoftwareDistribution
Run sfc /scannow command with DISM command
Running there commands may repair or replace Windows files that are causing the Windows Update error code 0x8024402f.