
How do you fix error code val 62?

Alton Alexander
By Alton AlexanderUpdated on June 4th, 2022

Error code val 62 is a Windows error code that indicates a problem with the registry. The registry is a database that stores information about the Windows operating system and all the programs installed on the computer. The registry is divided into several sections, and each section is responsible for a different area of the operating system. When a program tries to access a registry key that it does not have permission to access, Windows returns error code val 62.

This error code can also occur if the registry is corrupt or damaged. When the registry is corrupt, it can cause the operating system to malfunction or even prevent it from starting up. If you see error code val 62, it is important to run a registry cleaner to fix the problem. A registry cleaner will scan through the registry and repair any errors that it finds.

Other common searches for this error include:

  • error code val 62 valorant
  • error code val 62

1. Restart the computer

1.Press and hold the power button for 10 seconds to restart the computer. 2.Release the power button and wait for the computer to restart. 3.If the computer does not restart, press the power button again and wait for the computer to restart. 4.If the computer still does not restart, press the reset button. 5.If the computer still does not restart, press the power button for a third time. 6.If the computer still does not restart, press the F8 key to access the boot menu. 7.Select the “Safe Mode with Networking” option and press the F8 key again to boot in safe mode. 8.If the computer still does not restart, try to repair the Windows installation.

2. Update the device driver

First you need to open the Device Manager by pressing the “Windows logo key + X” and selecting “Device Manager”. Once the Device Manager window is open, you need to locate the “Intel(R) INF Update” device and right-click on it. Then, you need to select “Update Driver” from the menu that appears. The “Update Driver” window will appear. You need to select the “Browse my computer for driver software” option. Next, you need to locate the “Intel(R) INF Update” driver that you want to update and click on it. After you click on the driver, the “Update Driver” window will show the available updates for the driver. You need to select the “OK” button to install the updates. After the updates are installed, the “Update Driver” window will show the “SUCCESS” message.

3. Disable the device

  1. Open Settings app on your phone and find Device Administrators.
  2. Tap on it and select Disable.
  3. Restart your phone.
  4. Once your phone has restarted, open Settings app and find Device Administrators again.
  5. Tap on it and select Enable.

If the answers above didn't work then you should also try:

  1. Uninstall the device.
  2. Reinstall the device.
  3. Scan for hardware changes.
  4. Roll back the driver.
  5. Update the firmware.