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Windows 7 update error code 80072ee2

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By Genesis and SheilaUpdated on June 3rd, 2022

Windows 7 update error 0x80072ee2 happens when you are installing updates from the Windows Update Server and was interrupted.

1. Run

Windowsupdate.diagca by MicrosoftWindows 7 update error 0x80072ee2 may be due to Window Update encounter a problem in Windows components and installation. Run Windowsupdate.diagca by Microsoft to troubleshoot and fix the error.

Image Credit: genesismarasigan / ErrorSolutions.tech
  1. Download Windowsupdate.diagcab tool from Microsoft. Please see link https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/10164
  2. Install and Run Windowsupdate.diagcab,
  3. If all indicators are green, close the Windowsupdate.diagcab and run Windows Updates.

2. 2

. Delete bad registryWindows 7 update error 0x80072ee2, can also be due to bad registry. To fix this, delete WUServer and WIStatusServer keys if present.

Image Credit: genesismarasigan / ErrorSolutions.tech
  1. Press Windows start. Type “Regedit “in the search bar and press Enter. A registry editor window will pop up.
  2. In the registry editor, left click HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE => SOFTWARE => Policies => Microsoft => Windows => WindowsUpdate folder.
  3. A WUServer and WIStatusServer keys will appear on the right side. Right-click both keys and delete.
  4. Then, Restart your computer. Run Windows Updates and Check for Updates.

3. Restart Windows Update Components

Windows 7 update error 0x80072ee2 may be due to incomplete Windows Update downloads. To fix this, delete the data inside the SoftwareDistribution folder then download again

Restart Windows Update Components
Image Credit: genesismarasigan / ErrorSolutions.tech

Delete SoftwareDistribution

  1. Windows Start. Type “services “in the search bar and press enter. A services window will pop up.
  2. Look for "Windows Update" service. Right-click it and select stop. (Don't close the window yet)
  3. Browse to C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\download
  4. Crt + A to highlight all files. Press right-click on the highlighted files, then select Delete. Wait until all files are deleted.
  5. Return to the services window. Look for “Windows Update” service. Right-click it, select start.
  6. then restarts your computer.
  7. Go to Windows Update and do an update again.

If the error still exists, run DISM command and sfc /scannow command, to check for error causing Windows 10 update error 0x80072ee2.

Run DISM command with sfc /scannow command

  1. Click Windows Start, type in Command prompt.
  2. Right click and run as Admin.
  3. Type in or copy and paste this command DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth to the Command Prompt.
  4. Wait until the process is complete.
  5. Type in or copy and paste this command sfc /scannow to the Command Prompt.
  6. Wait until the process is complete, and then Run Windows update.